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tv   11 News at 6  NBC  May 26, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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>> tonight, a wave of violence in baltimore city this holiday weekend brings painful memories to a family lost their young son in one year ago today. road crews finish repairs - tonight. this scene is just a memory for drivers on the j.f.x. and celebrating memorial day across the country, and taking time to honor u.s. veterans and armed forces. >> this is wbal tv 11 news at 6:00 p.m. >> good evening. i'm kate amara sitting in for debra wiener tonight. a big story, a violent start to the holiday weekend. 10 people have been shot, some have been killed in at least 10
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different shooting incidents. police say early this morning they pulled over a man for driving the wrong way. 22-year-old -- the 22-year-old open the door of the car and told police he had been shot. he did not know who shot him. officers took him to mount sinai where minutes later he was pronounced dead. police say a man ran through the 12 under block of fremont avenue where he collapsed after being shot. police to not have a name or a motive or suspects in the shooting. the violence is an all too familiar sight for many residents. this boy's family lost in one year ago today held a vigil tonight. >> it was definitely a small, intimate gathering in the 1700
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block of clifton avenue. a makeshift memorial of stuffed animals and balloons marks the spot where shawn johnson was murdered a year ago. aside from the outpouring of support, it was still too much for the mother come -- for shawn's mother, still in tears. love once gathered here in the 1700 block of clift view avenue. this is where the 12-year old was murdered while watching a ball game on television. a year since his death and loved ones say it has been a roller coaster of emotions. >> we feel much better now if they had caught someone. just looking for closure and justice. we want some safety for the rest of the kids around here.
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>> police have arrested three people in connection with his death. those people are also in baltimore city. all three of them have an arraignment scheduled for mid july. >> thank you. police and corrections officials are looking for an inmate who walked away from his work assignment and never came back. 30-year-old jermaine jeter left a baltimore detention facility yesterday morning and did not report to his work release job. he was nearing the end of a prison sentence for second- degree murder. juceam, you are asked to call police. -- if juceam, you are asked to call police. the crowding season is -- if you see him, you are asked to call police. the krasting season is off to a slow start. -- crabbing season is off to a
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slow start. the number of females is down, and they are not sure if it is because they have moved out of the area or if it was because of the extremely wet fall and winter. this is one of baltimore city's six park pool. it will be open on weekends and holidays and an open full time on june 23. a dip in the cool sounds like a good idea today. it was humid and hot out there. >> it was really muddy. clouds moved in late this afternoon. thunderstorm activity to our north, but temperatures did get up to 90 degrees before clouds dropped in and dropped a couple of temperatures. -- a couple of degrees. this does not extend below the mason-dixon line.
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some of that stuff is drifting southward. the northern tier counties in maryland could see some of that storm activity. it will diminish, but it may drift down below t maryland/pennsylvania line and affect the northern maryland counties briefly this evening. otherwise, it will be summer- like holiday weekend weather with minimal range chances, most of the time. >> we have great news for anybody who drives through baltimore city on the j.f.x. you will not see things like this anymore. the road work is finished. the mayor's office announced the emergency repairs were completed today, weeks ahead of schedule. all lanes are now open for drivers. portions of the highway have been closed on and off since mid april so cruz good repair collapsed drainage pipes underneath the expressway.
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-- sebec cruise could repair collapsed drainage pipes underneath the expressway. it is the time of year to honor our veterans. those along the coast of south carolina are taking heed of high tide and recurrence churned up by a big storm while the middle of the country -- and rip currents churned out by the big storm of the middle of the country is gearing up for this weather. >> it is always good to get together with friends on beautiful memorial day weekend. >> not so much at this speech where prohibitive tropical storms are bearing down on the southeast, threatening to make a memorable what memorial day. but it was a great day for a parade in chicago. >> we are very grateful for all of the troops. i do not take that lightly.
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>> and this was the sentiment at the memorial. >> it makes you proud to be an american. we still have a heartbeat left the house yet. >> because of -- a heartbeat left in us yet. >> and a class of graduates. >> president obama came to office to end the war in iraq responsibly, and today, our troops are home. >> across america, a weekend of relaxation and reflection. >> still ahead, an attack in syria leaves 90 dead, many of them children. details on the grand massacre coming up.
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>> a un team has confirmed a massacre in syria. 90 people were killed yesterday, including 32 children under the age of 10. un observers said they found artillery shells at the site today. france is putting the blame on the syrian regime. the syrian government is blaming the attack on armed terrorist groups. reaction is coming in this week on the historical election in egypt since none of the candidates won a clear majority there on now be a runoff between the muslim brotherhood candidate and the last prime minister to serve under hosni mubarak. former president jimmy carter served as a monitor during the process pygmies said there were issues with a lack of access, but the election -- he said that there were issues with a lack of
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access, but the election was fair overall. >> a very stormy activity to the north. we could get skin with that. i will explain in a few minutes. basically, the weekend will be very summer-like with a lot of sun. a good day to be at the beach. here is the scene from the boardwalk at ocean city. a lot of people enjoying things today. it is 82 degrees at the airport. 86 downtown.
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>> a quick look at the radar. all of the storm activity has been up in pennsylvania. pretty close to the turnpike, really. of running from the eastern part of the state across jr. johnstown. that is where the strongest storms are. some of this might not even be hitting the ground. it is up in the clouds of it. but the clouds had drifted down south. some of this activity may drift a little further south, but it is dissipating right now. a lot of it may dry up before it gets to the baltimore area. rain is not a priority for the forecast this evening.
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92 at the inner harbor today. 85 at the airport today. some of the clouds drifted in. otherwise, we might have seen more 90's. morning lows from 60's to around 70. right up into the 80 posey jr. 90 in a couple of cases, and dropping into the 70's where you see the yellow. and the coastal areas, you saw 75 degrees on the boardwalk. -- on the boardwalk right now. the north winds are blowing off the tops of some of those storms, so we're getting the high and then clouds that are filtering the sunshine more than anything else -- high and thin clouds that are filtering the sunshine more than anything else. this will not push the storms in, at least the full force of them. there is a storm watch in pennsylvania, but not at the maryland/pennsylvania line.
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this will eventually drift back north again. we're not a prime target for thunderstorm activity at all. the big area of high pressure is holding its front from coming south, and it is also keeping girl away from us. that is a sad tropical storm -- sub tropical storm and is drifting to the west. those winds are at 45 miles per hour moving southwest at 6 miles per hour. it is a loosely organized storm. its movement is going to take it on shore and then it will make a u-turn at jacksonville and go right up the coast. it's kwame storm -- it will be a storm.y our forecast is calling for 66
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for the overnight low. hot and humid conditions are in the forecast for tomorrow. here's the seven-day forecast. we might see some thunder north of us tonight. and then during the day tomorrow. most of it is in pennsylvania. near 90 is the high. on monday, it oaks drive right now, 91. kind of unit, though. -- it looks dry right now, 91. kind of humid, though. >> we have a couple of maryland teams to talk about in sports.
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>> this is 11 sports. >> facing roger damen and foxboro, -- and noted aimed at foxboro. the fifth-year senior. second chance maximization. 5-3 at the third. mike sorey get the ball and keep finishes a six-three game. the final goal of the game for eric lusby. and jack russell makes it stand. keeps the ivers at bay. loyola goes to the -- keeps the irish at bay. loyola goes to the championship.
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>> somebody else steps up every week, and right now it seems to be eric lusby. i know the whole team is so excited for him. it is a special moment. he is such a leader in the locker room. he deserves all the success he has been given. we're also proud of him. >> how much fun are you having with this group? >> it is emotional. >> i love to see a moment like that. charlie almost lost it there. they split games earlier in the season. maryland is being represented well in the n.c.a.a.
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no concerns floating out of the warehouse that the six-year $85 million deal will not get done. going for the series win this afternoon. he took his first loss. he was not sharp there today. friends struck out five. -- prince fielder struck out five. off it goes to left-center. one-zero orioles. j.j. harding, his 10th of the season. baltimore's power surge continues 72 home runs for the season. right now, seven games, tied three apiece. the orioles continue a series
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today that will be interesting. bad blood flowing on a fair way. bobby valentine, he wanted retribution. the action to try to medium for times. finally, one time he did. no punches thrown, but fireworks afterwards. he returnedire across about. >> it is kind of incompetent behavior, the kind it gets people hurt, and gets hurt on your own side by choosing to do something so ridiculous. we do not initiate anything. that is not what we are about. i believe we will play the game properly. there is no vengeance in our soul. there is none of that crap. but we will respond to others to attempt to do that to us. >> that is a fun series.
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>> lots of sun at ocean city this weekend, in the 70's. we will be around 90. iran the baltimore area it will be dry and hot. >> i love it. that is all for us at 6:00 p.m. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the
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